Gabriella Diószegi, an ideal and a friend to me, was requested by me to assess my creation visible in these photos with an expert’s eye. With the help of her subtle insights, she creates the beautiful pictures of life in people’s destinies: the energy of love.
„The Path of Light
Every existing being walks a path during his life-time, so does the light. The way it walks through our spaces, our homes, speaks about and to us.
We tend to think that our homes are determined by the furniture, its color and the different spaces. However, little can be heard of the path of the light that it takes through the spaces; how it changes in different rooms, how it is reflected. Can we hear its message on both sides of the door? What does it tell about the residents?
Emese’s doors are beautiful. First I admired the gentle pastel colors and the refraction of the light on them. I was amazed by the harmony and correspondence among the colors.
It was just later, that I had come to know that the patterns are made of different colorless cathedral-glass and the alternative cutting and fitting techniques make it possible for them to refract the light differently showing different aspects of the space behind them.
With its play of light, the built-in glasswork in the door simultaneously shows the harmony of the furniture, and the strength of light belonging to certain parts of the day, reflecting and tuning the I-forces of those living there.
I whole-heartedly congratulate Emese for her activity that supports the harmony and unity of the home, which is part of this space.”
Gabriella Diószegi,
Perinatal consultant
Hellinger Family Constellation

Feel free to contact me if you are looking for colorless Tiffany glasswork. Because Tiffany glasswork can also be an elegant pattern smoothly making a unity with the environment. The subtle taste of the owners is clearly visible in their choice, since they had known at the very first phase of planning that their walls would be covered with colorful paintings and the floor with that of Persian carpets. Similar harmonic interiors with custom design are available by clicking on Products/Tiffany glasswork on order in the menu.
What can be seen in the photos?
The size of the Tiffany glass pane in the double sliding doors is 60 cm x 165 cm (both)

Gabor Ocsai, my friend, was requested by me to assess my creation visible in these photos with an expert’s eye. He has an excellent knowledge on the art of painting. Being a painter himself, his paintings become a reflecting mirror that is able to show the beauty of our own true being.
„Dear Visitor,
You, who clicks on this site and enters this magic world, you will get under a spell, under the spell of light. You will be spellbound and at the same time liberated because the light is the vehicle of the soul…In some ways, we all recognise it. The person who possesses and masters this original miracle, is a wizard of light.
If you look at only this window, you will feel it in a short time that there is something moving in its perfect proportions and the pure expression of its theme. Yes, you feel it right, the phenomenon of golden section presents itself in forms turning into each other; the threefoldness of existence; on the top part life itself is glorified and in the upper third a bridge of rainbow encloses creation. The „room’s dome” itself is the outer circle of creation.
Is it only a window!? It is a great opportunity to bring the outcast sacrality back to our world; that it should return to our homes at last. Only a few artists can accomplish this job. I know only a few artists who can look beyond their personal ambitions, who are able to follow such inspirations and choose this path thereby causing joy to many people. The merit of this creation lies not only in its uniqueness but in its being individual because the customer’s wishes are taken into consideration in the first place. The glasswork belongs specifically to the person to whom it was made. The customer’s turn of mind, beliefs and joy are the primary formative forces in the birth of the creation. Thereby making it a source of joy for the artist as well.
Gabor Ocsai”

To the huge glass surface, Tiffany glass is the best solution. Lots of joyful light beams fall through it which paint the white walls of the stairway, hour by hour differently. There is no need for a curtain either because I used such a selection of glass types that non-transparency is ensured. Maybe only few people know that in the entrance doors, the middle layer of its thermo glass is usually Tiffany glass, this way the perfect insulation is also provided. Similar beautiful custom glasswork are available by clicking on Product/Tiffany glasswork on order in the menu.
What can be seen in the photos?
The window of the stairway is a huge glass surface (250 cm x 600 cm) created on outstanding artistic inspiration that resulted in this exciting and colorful glasswork.

To give an assessment on the creation visible in these photos, I requested one of the happy owners of my glasswork pieces and who is an architect himself at the same time. His own home is a proof of his outstanding activity. I feel honored that my artistic glasswork pieces can represent a part in his perfectly designed home.
„Windows, doors and pieces of furniture…a simple floral pattern running through them all over the house in a colorful flow, which sometimes shows itself, sometimes disappears. It is a supplementary decoration and it is its main value. Every day we are lost in admiration of the play of light and color, constantly marveling at this ever-changing symbiosis.”
Architect designer, owner

The floral pattern, appearing everywhere all through the house, can be achieved by custom design. It can be found and ordered by clicking on Products/Tiffany glasswork on order in the menu.
What can be seen in the photos?
Double-winged sliding door, two panes of Tiffany glass (75 cm x 180 cm).
Tiffany glass panes of the kitchen cupboard, 3 pieces, 30 cm x 40 cm each.
Round window, made of Tiffany glass, diameter 50 cm.
Single sliding door, 1 piece, 55 cm x 180 cm.
Built-in partition, made of Tiffany glass, 1 piece, 90 cm x 110 cm.

Glass painting decorated with rose quartz
To assess my creation visible in these photos with an expert’s eye, I requested a uniquely sweet personality who, with her presence, is always able to enrich her environment.
„The type of glass, the choice of color together with the rose quarz have a surprisingly relaxing effect. What’s more, after some minutes of watching it, this effect combines with the feeling of happiness. I can confidently offer it to anyone as a healing painting. Rose quartz is considered to be the healing mineral of the heart. This way, I can well imagine this painting as a reinforcement of love in the home.
It is my personal favourite.”
Rozsika Keri Mann
mineral- and herb-therapist
curative masseur
author of „Talent that has been lent to us”
author of „Herbal encyclopedia of Tata and its surroundings”

These glass paintings radiating a relaxing atmosphere can easily be fixed onto walls because they are placed into frames.
You can arrange them vertically (one under the other) or horizontally (next to each other).

A Felszabadultság első pillanata
A fotókon látható alkotásom szakértői elemzéséhez ….
“Az üveg, mint alapanyag sokak számára, a funkcionalitás, hasznosulás, ipari jelleg visszatükröződését jellemzi. Azonban, mint a történelmünkben is oly gyakran az árral, irányzatokkal szemben menő szűk réteg felfedezte ennek a látszólag rideg és törékeny anyagnak az esszenciáját, ami a mai napig megmaradt és virágzása folyamatosan tör felfelé, megszámlálhatatlan felhasználási lehetőség jelképeként.
Emese elhozta közénk ennek a csodálatos anyagnak egy merőben más manifesztációját, ami egyértelműen tükrözi egy számunkra nem látható, de mindenki számára érezhető felsőbbrendű asztrális formavilág mintázatát. Bázikus alapként használva az ősi yin hold jelleget, megjelenítve szorosan, de mégis lebegve előtte a naprendszerünk megnyilvánult égitest halmazait, egy szubtilis, nem látható sík ősrobbanását idézve. A kirobbanó dinamikát a színek és a körülölelő visszafogott tér teszi az egyensúly mérőpálcájává.
A felelősség, amit a műalkotás idéz, egyfajta szemléletmód változtatást igényel. Ezt nem kaphatja meg bárki! Kiválasztottság szükséges, aki mer egy új világ létrehozásán munkálkodni, egy eredendően más nézőpont szerint.”
Tisztelettel meghajolva a művész előtt:
Herczeg László Építészmérnök
Evan 94 Kft Építőipari fővállalkozás
30/ 280 64 72

Ez az üvegfestmény innovatív megjelenésével kiválóan illeszkedik a mai trendi vagy a loft stílusú enteriőrökbe. Felszerelése szaktudást igényel, melyet nagyon szívesen megcsinálunk.

Szerelmes őszi érintés
A fotókon látható alkotásom szakértői elemzéséhez Dén Erika barátnőmet kértem fel. Jelenleg Ő egy szellemi hagyaték és óriási tudás őrzője. Képkereskedői tapasztalatai által és lényegre törő életszemléletével nekem is rengeteg útba igazítást adott sorsfordító pillanataimban.
“A szerelem, olyan mintha a kettő egy lenne. Az egynek a tükröződése, ami szinte ugyanaz, de mégse. A szerelemben nincs különbözőség, minden színesnek és ragyogónak látszik. Az alkotás megjeleníti azt a valótlan valóságot, ahol a tér és az idő megszűnik létezni. Az ősz színei elvesztik az elmúlás szimbólumát és átlépnek egy magasabb értelmezésbe.
Egyszerre jelen lesz az aranykor, ahol a szerelem a létnek abba a korszakába lép, ahol megjelenik az idill, a tökéletes, a hiánytalan, a kész és a maradandó. Maradandó, az, ami a fény által a lét kristályos fényében megnyilatkozik. A sötétség elveszíti erejét és, mint legyőzött harcos, alázattal kiemeli a győztes szerelmet.”
Dén Erika
